
It takes a village to change the world

  • Give

    Contribute to our projects, operations, or create corporate gifts with us.

  • Engage

    Rally your employees and customers to fundraise and help spread the word.

  • Amplify

    Help shine a bigger spotlight on our work or invite us to speak at your events.

Let’s start a conversation

Get Involved!

We believe the key to lasting development is not aid, but education. That's why we invest 100% of our proceeds as a social enterprise to build craft schools in our Villages.

Your donation helps us provide life-changing opportunities to more women in our villages and beyond.


Our bank accounts for other donation types

Send donations directly to Yayasan Rumah SukkhaCitta in Indonesian Rupiah (IDR) or US Dollars to:

Bank: BCA
Account #: 288 884 0228
Name: YAY Rumah Sukkha Citta
Bank Code: 014
Branch Code: KCU PURI INDAH (0288)
Bank Address: Komp. Puri Indah Blok A/20-22 Jakarta Barat 11610

After you donate via bank transfer please let us know so that we can look out for your donation, say thank you and send you a receipt. Please email your name, the amount you donated and your payment reference number to