Climate Resilience: Women Farmers Take on Climate Change

As the climate is getting drier and rain patterns shift, Indonesian smallholder farmers struggle to adapt. Indigenous wisdom and a special crop offer a new sense of hope: Local cotton that heals the soil.


The Problem

Indonesia’s smallholder farmers face an uncertain future: Due to climate change and shifting rainfall patterns, their yields keep dropping. Especially in Eastern Indonesia.

Chemical fertilizers and pesticides are expensive - and only a short-term fix: Over longer time horizons they deplete soils and contribute to the warming of our planet.

Together with a small group of women farmers in East Java, we set out to retrace the steps of their ancestors - from traditional agroforestry to spices used as natural pesticide.

The Solution

Regenerative Farming (Tumpang Sari)

Instead of monocultures, the women now plant a rich variety of crops - from corn, chili and mungbean to cotton that can be locally processed. All nourished by compost and free of deep tilling.

Working with nature, not against it, they restore the health of the soil, so it can store more water and become more resilient against drought and erosion.

The result: higher, more diverse yields for our farmers, no more need for expensive chemicals - and a valuable contribution to mitigate climate change.


Healthy soils actually absorb CO2 from the atmosphere - as much as 10 tons per hectar, the equivalent of burning 5,000kg of coal.


Ibu Kasmini’s Story

For smallholder farmers like bu Kasmini, returning to the way of her ancestors has been a blessing. She no longer has to buy expensive chemicals - and her cotton yield has increased six times.

“When we take care of Mother Earth, we take care of ourselves.”

- Ibu Kasmini, Indonesia

Now we’re scaling her amazing work and insights to some of Indonesia’s poorest regions.


Cotton can be a great source of dry season income for mothers in rural Indonesia, especially in areas that face high rates of stunting. Yet today, 99% of Indonesia’s cotton needs are imported.

Through our Mama Kapas program, we return and scale up organic cotton to East Java and Eastern Indonesia - in ways that heals depleted soils and creates better livelihoods for women who need it most.

Together with our social enterprise and our partners, we are currently working on identifying and training 300+ farmers – creating better livelihoods and preparing them for the challenges of climate change.


In East Indonesia, adult women are respectfully called ‘Mama’

Let’s Support a Mama

Help us research and develop even better ways of supporting our farmers - through climate efficient composting, charcoal and refined agroforestry systems. Together, we can make our mamas more resilient against climate change.

Pitch in

Don’t have PayPal? Transfer your donation directly (US$ or IDR) to:

Bank: BCA
Account #: 288 884 0228
Name: YAY Rumah Sukkha Citta
Bank Code: 014
Branch Code: KCU PURI INDAH (0288)
Bank Address: Komp. Puri Indah Blok A/20-22 Jakarta Barat 11610

Please email your proof of transfer to so we can say thank you and send you a receipt.

Early trials have already begun: Cotton growing in East Timor.


The Details

The Place

  • Province: East Java, West Timor, Flores, Nusa Penida, Sumbawa, Lombok

  • Area: 10ha (to be expanded to 1,000)


  • DBS Foundation

  • Co2operate BV

  • SukkhaCitta